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High Performance Meditation & Breathwork Coaching

Cultivate inner peace, Enhance focus and Learn to be in control of your mind, thoughts and emotions.

Discover the power of meditation, breathwork and mindfulness practices through high performance coaching that will give you the edge in bringing more peace, presence and clarity to your daily life.

Learning how to meditate and breath your way through any situation, circumstance and expereince can be the difference between living a life of peace and living a life of burn out. If you find it difficult to take time for yourself or struggle to switch off at night, meditation (as well as an integration of other powerful tools, techniques and habits) can make it easier for you to calm the mind, rest your thoughts and find stillness and time in your days. 

"Meditation is simply the art of slowing down, finding presence and being in the moment" 

Learning how to be in the moment is the ultimate goal of most meditative practices and it is here where all unneccessary stress leaves the body and peace is allowed to enter the mind. When we have our coaching sessions together we will focus on providing you with techniques to help achieve equanimity (balance), focus, relief and calmness of mind. In our sessions you will learn:

  • Multiple Meditation Techniques to focus the mind, relax the body and calm the nervous system.

  • Breathing techniques to help reset your energy levels, aid in meditation and alter your energy state.

  • Mindset tips and tricks to help buffer emotional triggers, reframe experiences to create positive outcomes and to help motivate you towards your dream days.

  • We will also discuss purpose, passion and projects to help figure out what puts you into flow (and what takes you out).

  • We will construct your dream days together and talk about tools to help implement positive habits and practices to help you with your mental hygiene.

Each coaching session is over an hour long and includes guided Meditation & Breathwork sessions so that you always leave the session feeling better than when you entered it.

I will also include personalized meditation and breathwork plans that cater to your needs , high performance coaching and mental state optimization strategies.

When you sign up I will also be available to contact via WhatsApp or Telegram for emergency meditations, or for any questions or if you are going through something and just need some grounding.

A brain backed approach:

Our approach to meditation will be on rooted in neuroscience driven understandings of the nervous system and what works to 
modulate, reset, rest and even alter your nervous system.

The most difficult thing about meditating is consistency and that is why having a daily coach to keep you accountable for the first 21 days is essential to cementing the practice into your life habits.

How we get you to become a High

Performing Meditator:





3 weeks of High Performance Meditation Coaching 

Book a Discovery Call 


Linda, Netherlands

"Cody got the best version of me to the surface. It was always in me, but I couldn’t reach it. He saw me for who I truly was before I saw it myself. His words gave me some beautiful insides in myself and my believe system. He also showed me that there is strength and power in vulnerability. After the course I didn’t feel like a victim anymore, but a survivor.
He made me realize that my story will be about surviving, overcoming and believing in myself. It always has been and he reminded me of this. I was already an inspiration to other, without knowing this. Maybe someday I would even like to share my story with the world, and inspire others with it. But for now I like to just be me, live my extraordinary life and make my big dreams come true. Now I know that I have that power within me to make at all happen."

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